You have the right to make a complaint about something you bought if your purchase:
- Did not do what it said it would do.
- Was not of satisfactory quality.
- Was not as described.
You also have the responsibility to:
- Find out a store's policies before you buy.
Take proper care of things you buy and follow the instructions to use them.
If you have a problem with something you bought, you can make a complaint in person, by phone, or by letter. Before you make a complaint, gather your receipt and any other information related to your purchase, such as the warranty.
It helps to write down who said what at the store or what was advertised. Write down what the problem is with what you bought, when you first noticed the problem, and how long you have had the goods or when you were supposed to receive them.
The next step is to find the right person to talk to about the problem. You can contact the store or company in person or by phone. Explain the problem and what you would like done,whether it’s a replacement, a repair, or your money back.
For more about how to make a complaint, visit Consumer Protection BC . For a complaint step-by-step, also see the Complaint Courier on the Canadian Consumer Information Gateway website, where you can also find other consumer information