If you have an accident, you must stop and help. If it is safe to do so, you should pull over to the side of the road so you do not block traffic. If you can get out of the vehicle, find out if anyone is hurt. If you or others are seriously injured, call 911.
Write down the other driver’s information:
- Name, address, and phone number
- Driver’s licence number
- Vehicle licence plate number
- Vehicle registration and insurance information
You should also write down the name, address, and phone number of anyone who saw the accident. Finally, report the accident to ICBC as soon as possible.
If you have any pain after an accident, go to a doctor. Make a note of your injuries or have someone do it for you. Be sure to report all your injuries to the doctor. You may want to talk to a lawyer before you make an injury claim to ICBC.
In certain situations, you should phone 911 and report the accident to the police. Report the accident immediately in the following situations.
- If anyone has been hurt or killed.
- If the other driver broke the law. For example, if the driver was drunk or drove through a red light.
- If another driver hit your vehicle and drove away (hit and run).
- If it is not an emergency, report the accident to the police within 24 hours by calling the non-emergency phone number for the police in your community.